Hello! And welcome to THE ! 
Here at The, we know that God will win this spiritual warfare in the end! Thus "The Won" ... and the ".net" is where we come into the picture! We are God's chosen to be "Fisher-of-men".... so let's get our nets out and start casting!!! 

God want's us all to evangelize... and what better way (other than actually doing this vocally out in public!) than through propaganda! 

Definition:  propaganda [prop-uh-gan-duh] ... noun: information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc. (We will be doing the "helping" part!)

Everywhere you look nowadays, we see propaganda put out by Satan and his minions! Some straight out blatant and most with symbolism!  I believe, that we all agree, that the world has gone mad! 
It is our job and duty to Jesus Christ, to help as many people as possible (by netting/fishing) to see his light! 
And what better way than to advertise our own propaganda for God... plastering it everywhere we can! To me, it's like planting mustard seeds... every time someone sees a piece of "God Propaganda" they may  think of him more. They actually may be prompted to ask you questions! What a wonderful thing! It's like a soft sell.... which is great for us shy Christians! Having people come up to us and ask questions... which we are glad to answer! 

 The seeds (propaganda) we plant, will grow curiosity, the curiosity will eventually prompt people to make remarks or ask questions, with those remarks or questions God (with prayer of course) will guide us to make the right reply or answer , and with those replies or answers the devil will be put in his place & people will get closer to the truth... the truth along  with prayers a soul may be saved (if that soul wants to be saved)... a soul that was previously deceived by the devil and all the bad propaganda... a soul that may belong to a friend, relative or even strangers. Strangers! 
Speaking of Strangers... I wear and use as much God propaganda as I can praying that those "seeds"  be seen by those YOU  love and to guide them to the truth/salvation (or help them continue on the right path). I pray that you do the same for my loved ones.

Plant those seeds! Cast your nets! Do whatever you can to let people know that you are of God and that they are too! 
Thank you and God bless!